Step 2:
Attach Tow bar and Support Leg
1. Attach the tow bar (#2) to the
hydraulic reservoir using hex bolt
M12x35 (#35), flat washer Ø12
(#20) and hex lock nut M12 (#25).
2. Attach fenders (#89 & #90) to
the hydraulic reservoir using hex
bolt M8x25 (#69), flat washer Ø8
(#37), lock washer Ø8 (#57) and
hex lock nut M8 (#38). Attach
rubber washer (#131) between
fender and hydraulic reservoir.
Step 3:
Attach Beam and Manual Canister
1. Attach the beam to the tow bar
using Hitch Pin (#50) and R Pin
2. Attach rear support leg (#85) to
the tow bar using hex bolt
M10x70(#137) and hex lock nut
M10 (#114). When standing,
secure the beam with a pull handle
(#82) and an R pin (#71).
3. Remove hex bolt M6x65 (#104),
large flat washer Ø6 (#105) and
nylon lock nut M6 (#102) from tow
bar, secure manual canister (#101)
to the tow bar by items #104, #105
and #102.
4. Attach three plastic handles
(#14) to the control handle and two
plastic handles (#14) to the beam
control valve mounting plate by hex
lock nut M10 (#114).