TI-83 Plus CellSheet™ Application
Page 102
Communication Error
This error indicates that the TI Connect™ software (“Unable to
communicate with device”) or TI
GRAPH LINK™ software (“Link
Transmission Error”) is unable to communicate with the
83 Plus. The problem is usually associated with the
GRAPH LINK cable and its connection to the TI
83 Plus
and/or to the computer.
Make sure the cable is firmly inserted in the calculator I/O
port and the computer.
Verify that the correct cable type is selected in the TI Connect
or TI
GRAPH LINK link settings.
Verify that the correct communications port (Com Port) is
selected in the TI Connect or TI
GRAPH LINK link settings.
If this does not correct the problem, try a different
GRAPH LINK cable and reboot your computer. If you continue
to get this error, please contact
™ Customer Support
for assistance.