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Press enter, and the calculator will zoom in on that location.
will keep the cursor on the desired point, and will make the dimensions of the viewing
window larger.
will change the x coordinates for the window to decimal values. Enter a graph and
press TRACE. The x coordinates will show in the bottom left corner of the viewing window as
0.1, 0.2, 0.3, …. This generates a very small window, but the size can be increased by pressing
WINDOW and multiplying the Xmin, Xmax, Ymin and Ymax values by the same number.
ZOOM 5 generates a square viewing window. Since the display screen is wider that it is high,
the standard viewing window is slightly skewed. This view adjusts the dimensions so that each
tick on the x axis and each tick on the y axis has the same width.
ZOOM 6 reverts to a standard [-10, 10, -10, 10] viewing window.
ZOOM 7 selects a viewing window that is appropriate for viewing trigonometric functions.
ZOOM FIT theoretically selects a viewing window that fits the function that is entered.
Practically speaking, the view of the function is often less than desirable.
It is often much more practical to select the viewing window using information from the table
and setting the window by pressing
WINDOW and entering appropriate values.