9-7-22. Sending output voltage, output current or operation mode (Response to the ST0 command)
The output voltage, output current and operation status requested by the ST0 command are sent
in integer. The output voltage or output current of a non extant channel are not sent.
The number of parameters differs with the number of channels.
* * * *
Operation of D channel
0: CV 1: CC
Always 0 if no output is present.
Current of D channel
Voltage of D channel
Current of B channel
Voltage of C channel
Current of C channel
Voltage of B channel
Current of A channel
Voltage of A channel
System address
Operation of C channel
Operation of B channel
Operation of A channel
Response message
The set voltages, set currents, output voltages or output currents are not sent with the negative signs,
even if they are negative values.
An integer parameter in each response message meets the following condition.
The third decimal place is rounded off. The value is multiplied by 100. The value is always
displayed in a four-digit integer.
<Example 15> 1.000 is expressed as 0100, 12.340 is expressed as 1234, and 12.345 is expressed
as 1235.
A value displayed down to the third decimal place on the panel may be different in a response
message, since the third decimal place of the response message is rounded off.
A real number parameter in each message meets the following condition. The parameter is
displayed down to the fifth decimal place at the maximum. (The sixth decimal place is rounded
off). Continuous zeroes in decimal places are not displayed. The decimal point is always
<Example 16> 1.000000 is expressed as 1. 12.345678 is expressed as 12.34568.
9-7-23. Sending all preset values (Response to the ST1 command)
Data of all preset memories requested by the ST1 command are sent in integer. The parameters
are sent in the order shown below. Data of non extent channels are not sent. (The number of
parameters differs with the number of channels.)
Preset data are sent in integer in the following order: