Airplane Factory SLING LSA
Pilot Operating Handbook
Page | 8-4
Date of Issue: 07 July 2014
Revision : 1.3
Towing and tie-down / mooring instructions
If you wish to move the aircraft on the ground other than under its own
power, it is best to pull the aircraft forwards or push it backwards by
hand holding one or more propeller blades, close to the spinner. The
rear fuselage may be pushed down directly above a bulkhead or the
horizontal stabilizer may be pushed down close to the root, directly
over the front spar at the point where it attaches to a rib, in order to
lift the nose of the aircraft for maneuvering purposes. It is best to
press down on both points at once to spread the load. It is also
acceptable to push the aircraft carefully backwards by putting pressure
on the wing leading edges close to the root, directly on a nose rib, or on
the horizontal stabilizer leading edge next to the root over a rib.
Avoid excessive pressure on the aircraft airframe - especially at or near control
surfaces. The skins are very thin and minimum pressure should be placed on
them. Maintain all safety precautions, especially in the propeller area.