See the following table for a detailed description of each item.
Change Administrator and LCD Entry Password
Item Description
New Password
Type in a new administrator password.
Confirm Password
Type the new password again to confirm.
Press this to save your changes.
˙ Config Mgmt
From the menu, choose the Config Mgmt item and the System Configuration
Download/Upload screen appears. From here, you can download or upload stored
system configurations.
See the following table for a detailed description of each item.
System Configuration Download/Upload
Item Description
Save and export the current system configuration.
Import a saved configuration file to overwrite current system
Backing up your system configuration is a great way to ensure that you can revert
to a working configuration when you are experimenting with new system settings.
The system configuration you have backup can be only restore in same firmware
version. And the backup details have excluded user/group accounts.