5. Results review
The Rod Intercept™ (RI™) is the time in minutes at which dark adaptation recovery is complete
The fixation error is the percentage of time the patient generates invalid thresholds
An invalid test will generate if:
The patient blinks or averts their gaze during the photobleaching
The fixation rate is 30% or higher
If an invalid test is generated, the patient’s other eye can be tested immediately or you can wait at least 30
minutes to retest the same eye
6. Deleting test results
Test results should always be properly recorded
once the test is completed
Results to be recorded include eye tested
(OS or OD), test protocol (Rapid or Extended),
Rod Intercept and Fixation Error Rate
Once a test is deleted, the test can no longer
be retrieved
Select the blue button with the white arrow for
the delete test screen
Select the icon to delete test. The test must be
deleted before proceeding to another test
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