Thermapen ONE is a precision thermometer used for many applications, including cooking.
With proper care, it will offer accurate measurements for many years. Thermapen ONE
includes several new features, including: one-second response time and increased accuracy.
Instrument Operation
The instrument is switched on by unfolding the thermocouple
probe until the display comes on. Conversely, the instrument
is turned off by folding the probe away and lightly pressing
the tip into the rubber probe retainer located at the bottom
rear of the instrument. It is recommended to store the probe
in the closed position when not in use.
Do not force the probe further than 180° when opening or
damage to the rotating hub may occur.
The micro-thermocouple sensor is located at the tip of the probe shaft. Minimum immersion
is only 1/8" (3 mm). For best results, immerse or penetrate the probe into the food item so the
probe tip is in the place you want to measure. In food, this should normally be at the center
of the thickest part.
Thermapen ONE will read to within 1°F of the actual
temperature of an ice bath within one second. Reading times
in other foods may vary slightly.
Do not immerse the probe all the way to the plastic
rotating hub. Avoid getting flour, moisture, or oil on the
hub itself. Although there is an O-ring seal, oils can work
their way past the seal and accumulate inside the hub and
may cause failure. The probe tip is sharp. Use caution to
avoid injury. Do not “stab” the material to be measured.
Use steady force to penetrate meats or semi-solids. Avoid
bone. Do not lift or flip heavy meats with the probe tip.
The probe shaft is hollow and contains a sensor. If bent,
it may fail.
Rotating hub
0.125 dia”
Probe Tip
Sensor location
Minimum immersion 1/8"
Operating Instructions