Thermo Scientific Robot Stainer Microm HMS 740
Microm International GmbH
part of Thermo Fisher Scientific
Otto-Hahn-Str. 1A
69190 Walldorf / Germany
387801 - English
The Robot Stainer HMS 740 sets new standards in ergonomics, operation and comfort.
Different instrument versions:
HMS 740 standard instrument with 34 reagent stations, 4 rinsing stations, 3 exit and 1 entry station (cat.
no. 960300)
HMS 740 standard instrument with 32 reagent stations, 4 rinsing stations, 3 exit and 1 entry station and
2 DI stations (cat. no. 960310)
HMS 740 standard instrument with 32 reagent stations, 4 rinsing stations, 3 exit and 1 entry station and
2 heated reagent stations (cat. no. 960320)
HMS 740 with 4 heating stations, 30 reagent stations, 4 rinsing stations, 3 exit and 1 entry station (cat.
no. 960330)
HMS 740 with 4 heating stations, 28 reagent stations, 4 rinsing stations, 3 exit and 1 entry station and
2 DI stations (cat. no. 960340)
HMS 740 with 4 heating station, 28 reagent stations, 4 rinsing stations, 3 exit and 1 entry station and
2 heated reagent stations (cat. no. 960350)
The self-containing metal housing and the swing-open acrylic glass cover allow and easy access to the bath
containers. The bath containers can be removed individually or in groups of four and filled as needed.
The loading station and the three exit stations are user-friendly integrated into one drawer. This way, slide
baskets can comfortably inserted and removed without having to open the instrument hood.
Each bath container has an individual cover which is automatically lifted and transferred during protocol
execution. Bath size for one slide basket with 30 slides, bath capacity: 480 ml.
The slide baskets are permanently moved in the reagent containers (1 – 28). The agitation speed can be
selected and turned off, when needed.
The robotic arm, which is controlled in an intelligent way in three axes (x/y/z), with silent moving mechanics
is only used for transferring the slide baskets and the covers. Simultaneous multiple protocol execution
(multitasking) is possible.
The Robot Stainer HMS 740 is equipped with a new, almost maintenance-free drip preventer, which reduces
the reagent carry-over considerably.
Easy programming of the instrument via the large touch screen.
Fast creation of bath layouts and staining protocols via logical menu-driven prompting in various languages.
Protocol execution with minimal key sequence via touch screen or touchpad keyboard with five quick start