Thermo Scientific Robot Stainer Microm HMS 740
Microm International GmbH
part of Thermo Fisher Scientific
Otto-Hahn-Str. 1A
69190 Walldorf / Germany
387801 - English
A defined access authorization can be assigned to
each user in the last column.
Three different access authorizations are
Level 1:
User is allowed to start and interrupt
protocols only.
Level 2:
User is allowed to create/change
protocols and bath layouts.
Level 3:
User is allowed to carry out all settings.
Users can be deleted from a table. For this, tip the
line with the concerned user on the left side of the
table with your finger. Confirm the process in the
appearing dialog field.
One user with access authorization 3
must be logged-in, at least. In case, no
access authorization has been
assigned to a user, the lowest access
authorization (access authorization 1) will be
assigned automatically.
Each user can log-in and quit the instrument via
his password (see dialog field below the indication
of the time).
By means of our quality management system
(QM), each protocol which has been started can
be assigned to a user.