larger size. You can under-fill the cover and still have a strong bind, but
if you overfill, some pages will
not hit the adhesive and will not stick.
3. When binding hard covers, thicker documents, or multiple documents, it may be necessary to
repeat the cycle or simply allow the cover to remain in the machine for another 30 seconds or so.
4. In rare cases , some heavily coated papers do not allow the melted adhesive to wick into the
page. To get a better bond, use a fine sandpaper to rub the edges of the sheets that are going into
the spine. A few seconds will suffice to open up the fibers and allow the adhesive to wick and
become part of the page.
Using the Adapter with Unibind Products
Unibind products are designed to work at a lower temperature than most thermal covers. Most
machines will melt the vinyl off the back of their covers. We have special non-conductive adapters that
you can simply place on the heating plate to bring the temperature down to the proper level.
To insert the adapter make sure the machine is unplugged and that the heating plate is cool.
Center the adapter on to the heating plate.
To remove the adapter, make sure the machine has cooled down and the power is off.
Turn the machine upside down to allow the adapter to fall out.
Customer Support
We’re committed to helping our customers get the best binding results. Please call us toll free at 888-
992-4144 if you are not getting the results you expect and we will troubleshoot the problem with you
live. Our hours are 9:00 AM to 8:00PM Eastern time, Monday through Thursday, and 9:00 to 5:00 on
Friday. You can also email
for a prompt reply.