MULTIFUNCTIONAL UNITS RLC – Installation and maintenance manual
Pag. 24 di 31
Manual alarm reset
If there is an alarm the unit must not be manually reset before having located and eliminated the cause of the fault. Repeated manual
resets may cause the guarantee to be annulled.
Exchangers pressure drop
It is possible to use the units with flow rate different from the nominal one and so with temperature deviation different frm the nominal
one. It is not recommended that the unit works with very high temperature deviation, because very low water flow rates could determine
exchangers icing and so the warranty decaying. Otherwise if the unit works with very low temperature, very low flow rates could cause
extreme water speed and possible erosion/corrosion. In the first case low speeds could cause underperformance and easy deposits, in te
second case it is necessary to install high discharge head pump but it is non energetically good.