Installing the iN10/iN10MX
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Loosen the focusing setscrew on the ATR slide.
Using a .05”
balldriver, loosen the crystal focusing setscrew.
Check the crystal for rough centering.
Visually check that the crystal
is roughly centered in the crystal holder (equal gap around the entire
circumference, between the slide and brass insert). If the gap is not
equal, adjust the alignment and plunger screws as necessary to center
the crystal puck.
Two screws are plunger screws that
only need to be adjusted
center the crystal or backed off if the plungers are in the compressed
state prior to alignment. If the plunger screws are compressed, back
the plungers off enough to allow adjustment of the alignment screws
until instructed to recompress them in this procedure.
Install the ATR sample holder on to the sample stage.
The ATR sample holder is located in the customer ATR kit.
Equal gap around puck