Special functions
Keep in mind that the system is not changed, adjustments made in this
menu are only used to calculate the heat volume and should be based
on the actual system. Resulting data is only approximate value for func-
tion control!
7.8. - Heat quantity
7.8.1. - Heat metering
A simple heat metering function for basic system control can be activated in this menu.
Additional settings regarding the glycol, the percentage of type of gylcol and the
rate of the system are required. A correction value for the heat metering is also possi-
ble by adjusting the “Offset
Activate or deactivate the heat metering function
Settings range: On/off /default setting: Off
Resulting data is only approximate value for function control!
7.8.2. - AF type
Adjust the type of glycol that is being used in the system.
Settings range: Ethylene/Propylene /default setting: Ethylene
7.8.3. - Glycol portion
Adjust the percentage of glycol that is being used in the system.
Settings range: 0-60% /default setting: 45%
7.8.4. - Flow rate
Adjust the
ow rate according to the system.
Settings range: 0-100 l/min /default setting: 5 l/min
7.8.5. -
T Offset
Since the calculation of the heat metering is based on the temperature of
the collector and storage where measuring takes place, a possible deviation
from the
ow and return temperature can be compensated with this value.
Example: Displayed collector temp. 40° C, measured
ow temp. 39° C,
displayed storage temp. 30° C, measured return temp. 31° C means a
setting of -20% (Displayed
T 10K, actual
T 8K => -20% correction value)
Settings range: -50% to +50% /default settings: 0%