Dear Swifty user,
the Swifty rehabilitation buggy is a modern, high-quality medical product with an
attractive design. We have made a point of integrating the ideas of parents who are
familiar with the day-to-day handling of rehabilitation products and know what their
children need from these products.
Rehabilitation care products don’t have to look “medical”, and the Swifty also fulfils all
the requirements of a good rehabilitation buggy:
Seat depth and lower leg length are continuously adjustable while the high-quality
materials and solidly-built seat ensure comfort and safe handling. The buggy is highly-
manoeuvrable thanks to its lightweight construction and front swivel wheels. It can be
quickly and easily folded up and packed into the boot of any car.
Should you have any questions or encounter any problems, please contact either us
directly or your specialist dealer.
Our address:
Thomashilfen für Behinderte
GmbH & Co. Medico KG
Walkmühlenstraße 1
D - 27432 Bremervörde
phone: +49 (0) 4761 / 886-68 or -63