Kalypso Reference Manual
Daily Setups Menus
A Desired indicator column shows what logical components are desired for
use by that suite. A green box indicates that resource is desired, and a blank
area indicates the resource is not desired. Touching the
button in the
central Resource Action pane toggles this status on and off for the dele-
gated component.
The Physical column on the right side of the scrolling portion of this pane
identifies what physical component is currently being used by each logical
component. If no component is acquired no name appears in this field. The
background color of this field also reports the status of the logical/physical
component relationship (
Red indicates the component is marked as desired, but no physical
component has been acquired.
Yellow indicates a physical component is acquired but the logical com-
ponent is not marked as desired. The can occur if a component is
acquired when the operator changes the logical component to undes-
ired or if a resource is acquired that was not marked as desired.
A gray background indicates a normal condition. Either a resource has
been acquired and is marked as desired, or a resource is not acquired
and is not desired.
Rather than assigning specific physical components for Transform Engines
or Chroma Keyers, the number of resources to acquire are specified for
these components. The lower portion of this pane has
TE Quantity
CK Quantity
buttons. Touching one of these buttons delegates the menu to
that component type. The Desired column reports the number of channels
desired while the Physical column reports the number of channels actually
acquired. The Physical column also reports the acquisition status using the
color codes described above. The central Resource Action pane changes
when these components are delegated to permit numeric entry.
Physical Components Pane
The Physical Components pane on the right has a scrolling list of all
Kalypso physical components. The Where Used column reports which
suite (if any) has acquired that physical component, and the logical equiv-
alent in that suite.
The Physical Component buttons in this list are inactive (gray) unless an
Acquire Specific request is pending (see below). When the Acquire Specific
button is pressed the list scrolls automatically to the first available physical
resource that can satisfy that Acquire Specific request.
Transform Engines and Chroma Keyer boxes at the bottom of the pane
report the number of each acquired by each suite, and the total number
remaining that are not acquired (Available).