Kalypso Reference Manual
Section 2 — Control Panels
Mattes Subpanel Delegation Buttons
M/E and keyer delegation is controlled with four button groups (M/E and
Background, Keyer and Wipe, Key Matte Type, and Base/Wash Fill.
M/E 1-3
Pgm Pst
, and
Bkgd 1-2
buttons manually delegate the Mattes
subpanel to control either an M/E or one of the two Background
mattes. DPOP is available on the background buttons to go directly to
the Matte menu.
Key 1-4
Wipe 1-2
buttons manually delegate the Mattes subpanel
to control either a keyer or a transition wipe of the delegated M/E.
DPOP is available on the wipe buttons to go directly to the Matte menu.
The two groups listed above operate similar to those in the Keyers sub-
panel (see
Keyers, Masks Subpanels Delegation Buttons on page 86
PstPtn Border
, and
Matte Fill
buttons are used only when the
Mattes subpanel has been delegated to a keyer. These buttons select
which matte of that M/E’s keyer will be controlled by the Wash Geom-
etry and Base/Wash Fill group buttons and knobs.
PstPtn Border
share one Wash Geometry pattern generator, but can have
different fills.
Base Fil
l and
Wash Fill
button are used only when a wash matte has
been chosen (whenever the
Wash Geometry group button is not
selected). These two buttons select which of the two wash elements will
be controlled by the Base/Wash Fill group buttons and knobs.
Manual delegation involves selecting one button in each appropriate
group. The number of groups used for delegation varies. For example, a
background matte can be delegated by selecting only a background button
(1), a wipe matte can be selected with an M/E and wipe button (2), while a
keyer delegation requires selecting an M/E, a Keyer, and either Borderline,
Pst Ptn Border, or Matte Fill (3).
The delegation of the Mattes subpanel can also be affected by the delega-
tion of the Keyers subpanel, via auto delegation (see
M/E Keyer delegation buttons (see