Kalypso Reference Manual
Section 2 — Control Panels
Timeline Edit Button Group
– When the cursor is on at least one keyframe, pressing the
button deletes the keyframe(s) at the current cursor location and removes
the duration to the next master timeline keyframe. Note that this also
deletes the same duration from other delegated timelines, including those
that have the cursor on the path. This maintains the relative alignment of
all the delegated timelines. The deleted keyframe information is not saved.
When the cursor in on the path on all delegated timelines (not on any key-
is inactive.
Clipboard Operations
, and
buttons use a clipboard register to temporarily store
effect data. The clipboard information can then be pasted back into the
same or a different effect. When new information is saved to the clipboard,
any existing information in the clipboard is overwritten.
– When the cursor is on any delegated timeline keyframe, pressing the
button cuts the keyframe(s) at the current cursor location and removes
the duration to the next master timeline keyframe of that effect. It also cuts
the same duration from any other delegated timelines, including those that
have the cursor on the path. This maintains the relative alignment of all the
delegated timelines. The cut keyframe information is saved to the clip-
board, overwriting any existing information.
is inactive when the cursor
in on the path on all delegated timelines (not on any keyframe).
– Places a copy of the effect keyframe data located at the cursor loca-
tion into the clipboard, along with the duration to the next master timeline
keyframe. Like
, all delegated timelines are involved, but the informa-
tion is only copied, not removed. The original effect is not changed by a
– Inserts the data currently in the clipboard into the effect at the cursor
location. The data remains in the clipboard for reuse. Keyframes on all del-
egated timelines in the effect move later in time to accommodate the dura-
tion in the clipboard. However, the contents of the clipboard must be
consistent with the delegated timelines of the effect for paste to operate. For
example, if the clipboard contains a portion of the
Misc 3
timeline and only
M/E 3
is currently delegated, a paste cannot occur because the parameter
sets are completely different. If the clipboard contains a portion of the
M/E 1
timeline, however, it can be pasted into the
M/E 3
timeline because the
parameters are compatible. If the clipboard contains data from multiple
timelines, the paste operation will only be permitted if the same timelines
are currently delegated in the effect.