Kalypso Reference Manual
4-M/E Main Panel
joystick is delegated to multiple points of use. For example, it is possible to
delegate the joystick to M/E 3 Key 1 and Key 2 where Key 1 has a Trans-
form Engine and Key 2 does not. In this case, the Key 1 button will be high
tally but the Key 2 button will low tally.
Auto delegation is also available that can automatically activate the
for particular functions.
M/E Delegation Buttons
M/E 1-3
Pgm Pst
buttons are used to delegate the
to a partic-
ular M/E. This level of delegation is required for all
Only one bank can be selected at a time (the buttons are an interlocked
group). The button of the current delegation goes high tally.
Keyer, Wipe C, Global Channel Delegation Buttons
These delegation buttons select a specific component of the delegated M/E
to be controlled by the
. Pressing a single button selects that button
and deselects all others in that group. Pressing down more than one dele-
gation button at the same time delegates the joystick to control multiple
objects simultaneously.
Key 1-4
buttons select the specific keyer(s) of the delegated M/E.
Wipe C 1
Wipe C 2
buttons selects that complex wipe generator of the
delegated M/E.
Global Ch
button selects the global channel of the delegated M/E.
Additional Keyer Delegation Buttons
The buttons in this group are only active when at least one
Key 1-4
has been selected, and are used to select a component of that keyer to con-
Keyer Wipe
button delegates the Joystick to that keyer's wipe generator.
Keyer T-Form
button delegates the Joystick to control a Transform Engine
assigned to that keyer.
When a Transform Engine has been delegated, the
Drop Shdw
button dele-
gates the Joystick to control the drop shadow portion of the transform.
Transform Buttons
The Transform buttons delegate the Joystick to control a particular Trans-
form Engine parameter. These delegation buttons are only active when the
Keyer T-Form
button is selected.