Kalypso Reference Manual
ling keyer opacity to controlling border opacity. A hold down latch param-
eter exists in user configuration that permits single handed operation by
extending the hold down behavior for a user-specified period of time after
the button is released.
Hold down buttons that do not light during normal use will go high tally
when a hold down is active. Buttons that light during normal use will flash
when a hold down is active.
Double Press
Some buttons can be pressed twice rapidly to perform a different related
function. For example, pressing the
Clear WkBfr
button once in the Effects
Edit subpanel can clear basic work buffer parameters, but pressing
Clear WkBfr
twice can clear both the basic parameters and the source
memory parameters from the work buffer.
Double Press Open (DPOP) is a variation on double press where the alter-
nate action displays a specific menu. See
for more information.
Button Tally
The state of a panel button is indicated by the illumination of its internal
tally LED. The following indicators exist:
High tally
Low tally
Brief tally
Note that the button tally indicates the state of the function to which that
button is currently delegated (see
A high tally is used when the function associated with that button is active.
For example, the source button currently selected on an M/E will be high
tally when it is on-air.
A low tally is used when a third state exists for a button. For example, a
source button selected on an M/E that is not on-air will be low tally. For
other buttons, low tally can have different meanings. For example, low
tally can indicate a function is available for use (Effect Edit subpanel), it
could mean an E-MEM level is enabled but not delegated (Master E-MEM
subpanel), or it could report that a function is selected but disabled (Tran-
sition subpanel).