Rev F Apr 2019
Page 9
Chapter 4 Operation
4.2 Using the Kinesis software
The stage is shipped already loaded with default parameter settings, which should
give satisfactory performance in most cases. However, depending on the application,
it may be necessary to adjust the PID loop parameter settings to fine tune the
response - see the following section for more information.
1) If it is not already running, start the Kinesis software - Start/Programs/Thorlabs/
The software reads in the stage and controller information on boot up and the GUI
panel shown below is displayed..
Fig. 4.1 Kinesis GUI screen
The MOTOR DRIVE connectors for each channel/axis contain an EEPROM, which
stores the factory default settings for the set up parameters. When the stage is
connected, these settings are loaded into the controller on start up, and are tuned
for loads up to the 1.0 kg (2.2 lb) maximum, at speeds up to 250 mm/s.
However, depending on the load being driven and the speed/duty cycle of the
particular application, it may be necessary to further optimize the Position PID loop
If problems are encountered (e.g. stability of the closed loop position control, lost
motion or incomplete moves) the position loop PID parameters should be adjusted
to tune the stage for the given application. Normally, only minor adjustment of the
Proportional, Integral and Derivative parameters should be necessary, and some
trial and error will be required before the ideal settings for a specific application are
achieved. In cases where further adjustment of the control loop parameters is
required, the following guidelines are provided in order to assist in the tuning