KATflow 150
5 Commissioning
Sound velocity measurement (SVM)
The measured sound velocity (SOS) is available as a Process Value and a dia-
gnostic function (where specified) during measurement and may be applied to a
Process Output by selecting “C m/s” from the appropriate menu.
Dual-channel flow calculations (maths functions)
Where suitably equipped, dual channel calculations are available from the
System/Calculation/Math menu.
These allow the user to select the sum, difference, average (mean) or maximum of
the two flow channels.
This value may be displayed or applied to a Process Output by selecting MATH
from the appropriate output menu.
Scope function
Katronic flowmeters have an additional scope function which shows a representa-
tion of the pulse received by the sensors on Channel 1.
In addition to displaying the received pulse, this screen lists the following data (from
top to bottom) :
Gain (dB)
Signal (dB)
Noise (dB)
Transit time (us)
Delta (ns) - [time downstream minus time upstream]
Control unit temperature (degC)
Flow (m/s)