MyoTrac Infiniti
User Guide
Chapter 5
Data Management on your MYOTRAC INFINITI™
This chapter explains how to manipulate the data that you have recorded to the MyoTrac Infiniti for
a number of clients and how to interface this data with the BioGraph Infiniti on the host PC.
What is Data Management?
The MyoTrac Infiniti can save sessions in various different ways depending on your clinical needs.
It can save summary data direct to its internal memory, full sessions to the Compact Flash Card, or
full sessions (via live acquisition) directly transmitted to the host PC via the USB cable. This leads
to a need to centralize data for long-term storage (archiving) and further analysis. The host PC
handles this central storage. Data saved on the MyoTrac Infiniti Compact Flash Card can be
transferred to the PC. When this data is downloaded to the PC you can add it to existing client files
or create new ones. For further information on BioGraph Infiniti and how it handles session data
from the MyoTrac Infiniti please refer to the software manual for the BioGraph Infiniti.