Normally the correct CG position is beneficial to
hovering flight. Actually, for 3D profiles its CG range is
pretty large. Just give enough control surface
movement, softened correctly with exponential throws
then you may control the plane at a large range of CG
positions. Why, it is because no airfoil of the plane.
The only force to keep it in air is the thrust.
Even though you set up the airplane, it needs to be
setup and fine-tuned in the air. Always start on low
rates when launch the airplane or take off of the
ground. Once you fine trim the airplane in the air then
tune the exponential setting, you will be able to fly it all
the time on the 3D rates.
Once you got confidence to do hovering or do 3D
aerobatics, we suggest you fly it near you. The closer
the airplane, the better you can control the plane as
you can see it ver y clear even if it has a slight
movement. The other advantage is the lower or closer
to ground, the less damage of the plane as it has less
potential energy. It is useful for a dead battery or ESC
cut off suddenly.