©2000-2008 Tibbo Technology Inc.
Value Range:
0- PL_SOCK_RECONMODE_0 (default): For UDP:
Reconnects accepted only from the same IP as the one
already engaged in the current connection with this
socket, but any port; port switchover will not happen.
TCP: reconnects are not accepted at all.
1- PL_SOCK_RECONMODE_1: For UDP: Reconnects
accepted from any IP, any port; port switchover will not
happen. TCP: reconnects accepted only from the same IP
and port as the ones already engaged in the current
connection with this socket.
2- PL_SOCK_RECONMODE_2: For UDP: Reconnects
accepted only from the same IP as the one already
engaged in the current connection with this socket, but
any port; port switchover will happen. TCP: reconnects
accepted only from the same IP as the one already
engaged in the current connection with this socket, but
any port.
3- PL_SOCK_RECONMODE_3: For UDP: Reconnects
accepted from any IP, any port; port switchover will
happen. TCP: reconnects accepted from any IP, any port.
See Also:
Reconnect situation is when a passive open and resulting connection replace, for
the same socket, the connection that was already in progress. For UDP, this
property additionally defines whether a "port switchover" will occur as a result of
an incoming connection (passive open) or a reconnect. Port switchover is when the
socket starts sending its outgoing UDP datagrams to the port from which the most
recent UDP datagram was received, rather than the port specified by the
DO NOT enable reconnects on sockets that are used to handle HTML requests. This
will interfere with HTML operation, as explained in the
.Redir Method
For the selected socket (selection is made through
) redirects the data being RXed to the TX buffer of
the same socket, different socket, or another object that
supports compatible buffers.
sock.redir(redir as pl_redir) as pl_redir
Returns 0- PL_REDIR_NONE if redirection failed or the
same value as was passed in the redir argument.
See Also: