S ecurity Alarm S ignals
Your phon e sy st em is conn ect ed to your security alarm sy stem. Wh en th e
security alar m i s activat ed, yo u will h ear r ep eat ed tones at your phone.
S peakerphone
Th e Sp eak erphon e allows you to u se your phon e witho ut lifting the
hand set. For any instruct ion in this guide that say s "lift hand set ", yo u can
press S PK in stead ( unless a com ment sp ecifically instruct s yo u
oth erwi se).
For example, the Sp eak erphon e allows you to plac e calls or answ er call s
that ring wit hout lifting the handset. To conv er se on a Sp eak erphon e call ,
si mply sp eak toward s yo ur phone - yo ur phone's microphon e pick s up
your voice.
To answer an outside call without lifting the handset:
1 .
Pr ess S PK in st ead of lifting
hand set.
Pr ess fla shing Line k ey.
Or, you may be able to answer
the call by just pressing SPK.
(See Checklist.)
To answer a ringing intercom call without lifting the
1. Pr ess S PK instead of lifting
hand set.
01750-MUB-i02-1986-04-40.jpg Scanned by Frank Harrell, (Cowboy Frank) Castle Rock, Colorado Oct 18,2012 13:45:28