© Tieline Pty. Ltd. 2015
Genie Distribution User Manual v1.6
Configure 4 x Mono Peer-to-Peer Dialing Programs
4 x Mono Peer-to-Peer
program includes one bidirectional stereo audio stream and
four bidirectional mono audio streams. Each audio stream can be configured as a separate peer-to-
peer connection to the same destination codec, or with different destination codecs. Each audio
stream can be configured with different transport, audio and backup settings.
Important Notes:
In most situations you need to create a dial only program in your
Genie Distribution codec. A compatible codec receiving the call will answer using a
default program. There is no requirement to create an answering program, however if you
require file playback on the answering codec it will be necessary to create an answering
program which integrates this feature as explained in
Configure Mono or Stereo Peer-to-
Peer Programs
Configuring 4 x Mono Peer-to-Peer Programs
Important Notes:
Before you start program configuration please note:
You cannot edit a program when it is currently loaded in the codec.
Session port 9002 is used by default for all audio streams. If you connect to a G3
codec using IP2 you will need to change the session port on the Genie Distribution
codec to 9012 for the second audio stream connection, as this is used by default on
G3 codecs for IP2.
Some drop-down menus and settings may be greyed out intentionally depending on
features available and the transport selected (e.g. IP or ISDN).
It is possible to save a program at several points throughout the program wizard and
use default settings to save configuration time.
You can
lock a loaded custom program
in a codec to ensure the currently loaded
program cannot be unloaded by a codec dialing in with a different program type.
To learn more about programs see the section titled
About Program Dialing
The stereo audio stream is configured first and then the four mono audio streams.
Failover and SmartStream PLUS redundant streaming are not available with SIP or