TDFM-136B Operating Instructions
The Frequency Parameter
The TDFM-136 supports frequencies in the range 136.0000, to 174.0000 MHz. Frequencies in the
analog wide band (25 kHz. channel spacing), the analog narrow band (12.5 kHz. Channel
spacing), and the P25 band (Phase 1 – 12.5 kHz. channel spacing) can be entered at any 2.5 kHz
step. In addition, frequencies can be entered on the frequencies proposed for P25 Phase 2. Note
that this does not mean that the transceiver operates in this mode (6.25 kHz. channel spacing), just
that the transceiver can be tuned to those frequencies; the channel spacing will still be either 25
kHz. or 12.5 kHz. See appendix D for the 6.25 kHz frequencies supported.
Frequency is a simplex/duplex parameter, that is, the unit can transmit and receive on the same
frequency or it may be configured so that the transmit frequency and receive frequency are
Editing Frequencies
edit frequency
command is easily accessible, it is command L1-7. To access this command,
simply press '7', on the front panel keypad. Notice that the key is also marked “FREQ”.
This command allows the user to edit the operating frequency of the selected channel & memory.
The frequency will be edited in duplex mode: first Receive, then Transmit. Upon start, the cursor
appears at the second character in the Frequency field of the channel to be edited. The edit screen
appears as follows:
Figure 2-3. The user screen to edit the Main
frequency for receive
The user may now enter the desired operating frequency as follows:
decimal mode: enter number, cursor automatically advances
accept the entry and continue
abandon the entry and exit
The editor will not accept a value outside the limits of 136.0000 MHz. to 174.0000 MHz. In addition
frequency supports 2.5 kHz increments, and valid 6.25 kHz channel spacing frequencies in all
Operating modes. See appendix N for valid 6.25 kHz frequencies.
Once the receive parameter is entered, the 2
last character in the display will switch from “R” to
“T”, the user can now enter the transmit value. Note that the receive value is automatically entered,
so to get simplex operation, simply accept this entry.
Figure 2-4. The user screen to edit the Main
frequency for transmit
When complete, accept the entry if it is correct, or escape to exit without saving.
Technisonic Industries Ltd.
001 Main w136.0000Rx
Edit Frequency (0-9,#*)
001 Main w136.0000Tx
Edit Frequency (0-9,#*)