3.1.7 Brightness
This parameter allow the user to control the brightness of the display. There are three settings that are
DEFAULT, the brightest setting
LOW, the lowest setting.
3.2 Push Button
3.2.1 Changing the Time Zone
Using the push button provides a quick way to set the time zone with out having to access the
configuration web page. With every push of the button the GMT offset decreases by 1. Since the
default offset is -5, pushing the button once would set the offset to -6. Once the negative offset reaches
its limit(-11) the next offset is the maximum positive offset(14).
3.2.2 Scrolling the IP address
The push button also provides a quick way to determine the IP address of the TMPC.
A rapid double
push of the button will cause the IP address to scroll across the display.
3.2.3 Set Parameters to Default
One way to set all parameters to their factory default values is to hold the button on the back of the
clock down when the clock is powered up. If done successfully, three “8's” will scroll across the
display before entering the usual start up routine.
Installation and Operations Manual | Page 12
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