Always return your used electronic products, batteries, and packaging materials to dedicated
collection points.
Battery and Charger Info
Your device has an internal, non-removable, rechargeable battery. Do not attempt to open
the back cover or remove the battery, as you may damage the device. To replace the battery,
take the device to the nearest authorized service facility.
Aircraft, Hospitals
CAUTION: The device’s Bluetooth radio must be switched to OFF in airplanes, hospitals or
other public locations where handheld wireless and other electronic devices are prohibited.
Driving Precautions
Responsible, safe driving is your responsibility when operating a vehicle. Using a mobile
device or accessory for messaging while driving may cause distraction and could result in
death or injury to you or others. Using a mobile device or accessory may be prohibited or
restricted in certain areas; always obey the laws and regulations on the use of these
While driving, NEVER:
Read messages
Review on-screen data
Perform any other functions that divert your attention from driving
Medical Devices
Operation of radio transmitting equipment, including wireless phones, may interfere with
the function of inadequately shielded medical devices. Consult a physician or the medical
device's manufacturer to determine if it is adequately shielded from external radio energy.
To avoid potential interference, manufacturers of implanted medical devices recommend a
minimum separation of 6 inches (15.3 centimeters) between a wireless device and the
medical device. Persons who have such devices should:
Always keep the wireless device more than 6 inches (15.3 centimeters) from the
medical device.
Not carry the wireless device in a breast pocket.
Turn the wireless device off if there is any reason to suspect that interference is
taking place.
Follow the manufacturer directions for the implanted medical device.
If you have any questions about using your wireless device with an implanted medical device,
consult your health care provider.