2.2.6. Installation procedure.
The turnstile installation procedure is as follows:
1) The package integrity to be checked prior to unpacking. If package is damaged, then
damages to be documented (picture to be taken, damage report to be made).
2) The turnstile to be unpacked and inspected for defects and damages as well as
completeness to be checked according to the turnstile data sheet;
When the turnstile damages are detected or in case of shortage of delivery,
installation work to be stopped and the turnstile supplier to be referred to.
The turnstile cabinet to be removed
from pallet (See Figure 12). Top lid and
interior lining (side panel) to be
removed to provide access to the cabinet
base fixation holes and terminal blocks.
For this purpose:
- The turnstile lid to be removed by
unscrewing screws on its butt ends from
both sides;
- Interior lining to be removed by
unscrewing screws on frame;
- Two screws fixing the turnstile
frame base to transportation packing
from both sides to be unscrewed (View
- The turnstile to be carefully
removed from pallet and relocated to
installation site;
Fig. 12
Turnstile dismantling and relocation from