U S E R M A N U A L | E N
Welcome to TrueKinetix and congratulations on your new TrueBike, the first robotized indoor training
bike. Please make sure that you have read, executed and finished the assemble manual completely and
the TrueBike is installed properly.
This User Manual (UM) provides the information necessary for owners/users/renters to use the
TrueBike. This UM TrueBike will explain how to use your TrueBike and guide you through all the settings
and features. The purpose of this manual is to explain how to optimize the use of the TrueBike and
explain every element of the bike, screen and platform. If you experience any problems while using the
TrueBike, please read how to conact the Support at the end of this manual.
This manual is written for the owner/user/renter of the TrueBike. If, during the development process of
the TrueBike, changes in usage and the manual occur, we will inform you as you have indicated to be
informed in the privacy policy.
The TrueBike is the first robotized indoor cycling trainer. The TrueBike should be used as an indoor
cycling trainer. This document provides screenshots and corresponding narrative to describe how to
use the TrueBike system. Fields or buttons to be acted upon are indicated with quotation marks in the
Note: The term ‘user’ is used throughout this document to refer to a person who requires and/or has
acquired access to the TrueBike.
Cautions & Warnings
When you turn on your TrueBike, look out for the following warning: ‘Your battery is low’. If this
message is shown, please connect your TrueBike to a power socket. Before you start training, take care
of the correct positioning of the saddle and the handlebars, both vertically and horizontally, to avoid
physical discomfort and risk of injury.
After using the TrueBike:
- Make sure to unplug the external power supply, to prevent the battery from overloading.
Switch OFF the bike.