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If the device already belongs to a network, follow the exclusion process before 
including it in your network. Otherwise inclusion of this device will fail. If the 
controller being included was a primary controller, it has to be reset first.  

To confirm Inclusion or Exclusion hit the button on the device.


Operating the device 


The device is able to dim electric load up to 300 W. Short press of the button will 
toggle. This means that the power will be turned on if it was off and turned off when it 
was on. When switching the lamp on or off the light will dim for about 2 seconds until 
the final level is reached. 

The the button is constantly pressed the light will be dimmed. The dimming function 
will also toggle. Constantly pressing the the button will either dim up or dim down the 
light until it reaches the final level. 

Configuration Parameters 

Z-Wave products are supposed to work out of the box after inclusion, however certain 
configuration can adapt the function better to user needs or unlock further enhanced 


 Controllers may only allow to configure signed values. In order to set 

values in the range 128 … 255 the value sent in the application shall be the desired 
value minus 256. For example: to set a parameter to 200  it may be needed to set a value 
of 200 minus 256 = minus 56. In case of two byte value the same logic applies: Values 
greater than 32768 may needed to be given as negative values too. 

LED- Behavior (Parameter Number 1, Parameter Size 1) defines the behavior of the 
blue LED  



blue indicates off (Default)  

blue indicates on 

Technical Data 

Power Supply 

230V ~50-60 Hz 
