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or call 800-450-EDGE (3343) M-F 8-5
Operator's Manual
Rivers Edge Hang-On Stands
• Inspect all webbing, rope, cord, and strap assemblies for wear or
• Inspect cables and cable ends for damage or kinking.
• Inspect all hardware and chain components for damage.
• Inspect for any structural damage to product. (Return to factory for
repair or discard product if any damage is found.)
• Inspect all nut and bolt assemblies to be certain none are loose.
• Inspect for any missing parts.
• Lubricate all pivot and slide together points with powder graphite
to prevent noise, wear, and rust.
• Inspect entire product for any rust, corrosion, cracks, freezing,
excessive heat or rotting damage that may effect the safety of your
product. Discard any questionable product.
• Inspect entire product for any structural damage - pay close
attention to all weld locations. (Return to factory for repair or
discard product if any damage is found.)
• Using correct wrenches inspect all nut & bolt assembly locations
and snug up any that may be loose. Be careful not to crush tubing
when tightening!
• Inspect and check operation of all cables, cable ends, cord, rope,
webbing, and strap or chain assemblies. Replace with factory new
any item or assembly that shows signs of wear, damage, kinking, or
functions incorrectly.
• Inspect seat. Replace any seat with factory new that shows signs of
structural damage or wear.
• Inspect all hardware for wear or damage, also be sure you have no
missing parts.
• Never modify your stand in any way by making repairs, replacing
parts, or altering adding or attaching anything to it except if
explicitly authorized in writing by the manufacturer.
• Be physically fit, mentally alert, and well rested before using this
• Read, understand and follow all warnings and instructions before
use, save for future reference
• Use the provided Full Body Harness (Fall Arrest System) that meets
TMA standards at all times including ascending to and descending
from a tree stand
• Be fully aware of foot placement
• Recommended for adult use only
• Inspect for missing parts, all hardware condition, and damage
before every application, replace if necessary
• Pull up a bow, backpack, firearm or other equipment only after
being secure in the treestand and a firearm must be pulled up with
it unloaded, chamber open and muzzle down.
• Remove after every use, store product indoors.
• Use only Rivers Edge® original replacement parts.
• Lubricate all slide together points with powder graphite to prevent
binding, wear, rust and noise.
• Avoid all electrical power lines.
• Inform someone of the hunting location, where the treestand will
be located and the expected duration of the hunt.
• Carry a signal device such as a mobile phone, radio, whistle,
signal flare or personal locator device (PLD) and it must be readily
available at all times.
• Inspect the treestand and all safety devices each time before use
and do not store a treestand outdoors when not in use.
• Sleep in a treestand
• Exceed the total field rating of 300 lbs.
• Attach to a dead, odd-shaped, leaning, diseased, loose barked trees
or utility poles.
• Exceed maximum recommended use height of 10' while using a 15'
climbing aid (climbing stick)
• Exceed maximum recommended use height of 15' while using a 20'
climbing aid (climbing stick)
• Use on trees with a diameter smaller than 8 inches or larger than 20 inches.
• Use a treestand during inclement weather such as rain, lightning,
windstorms or icy conditions and end your hunt and return to the
ground if inclement conditions arise.
• Carry gun or bow when ascending or descending
• Alter the original design of your stand.
• Jump on or use in a careless manner.
• Lean out over edge of device.
• Use when intoxicated or using over-the-counter medication or
prescription drugs.
• Use a damaged product, replace with new.
• Loan your stand to someone else.
• Stand on the seat, it is designed for sitting only.
• Use a treestand when feeling ill, nauseous or dizzy., or if you have a prior
medical condition that could cause a problem (i.e. heart condition, joints
that lock up, spinal fusions, etc.) or if you are not well rested.
• Rely on a tree branch for support.
• Jump or bounce on a treestand to seat it to the tree.