Installing Your Cordless Phone Adapter
Step 2: Connect Telephone to Adapter
1 Install Cordless Telephone
Please follow the installation instructions that
came with your cordless telephone.
Note that TMC Corporation does not manufac-
ture cordless telephones. The Cordless Phone
Adapter has been designed to be compatible
with any standard single-line telephone.
2 Connect Cordless Phone Base to
Connect one end of the telephone line cord
that came with your cordless phone to the jack
in the cordless phone base as instructed in the
installation instructions that came with your
cordless phone, and plug the other end into the
jack on the External Cordless Adapter labeled
“To Cordless Phone.”
Note that you can use any single line device
with your Cordless Phone Adapter; it need not
be a cordless telephone. It is called a “External
Cordless Adapter” because most people use it
to provide a cordless extension for their
Plug line cord
from telephone
to this jack on
the rear of the
feature module
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