This Scooter uses tubeless tires on the front and rear wheels. These tires must always be
replaced with tires of the same type.
5. CHeCK THe brAKeS
Front brake- Compress the front brake lever and measure the distance traveled before the brake begins to
slow the front wheel. The lever should travel between 10 to 20 mm before the wheel begins to drag.
rear brake - Depress the rear brake lever and measure the distance travelled before the brake begins to
slow the rear wheel. The lever should travel between 10 to 20 mm before the wheel begins to drag.
7. CHeCK THe brAKe FluID level
See Page 29
8. CHeCK THe SpArK pluG
The spark plug will need to be checked if you find the scooter hard to start. The gap should be between
0.023 & 0.032 inches. The electrode should be a light brown color.
Incorrect gap can cause many problems for the scooter engine. Make sure it is correct!
If the spark plug is fouled or damaged, replace it with another of similar type.
Replacing the spark Plug.
Allow the engine to cool down before attempting to replace the spark plug (For replacement
instructions see pages 31)