Important note on lubrication: Some film types are not lubricated in processing and
will give an unsteady image and noisy running until lubricated. This includes the current
Ektachrome 64T film as well as some private brand films made by other manufacturers. The
cleaning fluid should have a small amount of wax dissolved in it to provide lubrication for
smooth transport through the TVT-D8 or through the customer’s projector. A suggested amount
is a lump of candle wax or beeswax the size of a pea ground up and dissolved in a pint (half
litre) of solvent. Cleaning solvents that are widely used include methyl chloroform (toxic
fumes), perchloroethylene (dry cleaning fluid) (toxic fumes), Freon TF (ozone depleting), or
99% isopropanol (isopropyl alcohol) (flammable). There are also commercially mixed film
cleaners with lubricant. Cleaning must take place in a ventilated area.
Some users have adopted a modified means of lubrication. They spray Pledge Beeswax
furniture polish on to a rag, and wind the film through it while still damp.
Bias Light Adjustment
The TVT models with the Videology camera have a bias light to increase the amount of
detail that is visible in shadow areas of the film.
Block the normal exposure light with a piece of black construction paper or equivalent
in the image path, so the video monitor shows just black. Turn the Bias Light control fully
counterclockwise. Advance the Bias Light slowly clockwise until there is a just noticeable
lightening of the black on the monitor.
This is the approximate normal setting for transfers. It can be reduced at will to increase
the contrast of overexposed film, or increased to make a hazy, flat dream sequence for example.
Running Speeds
The TVT-D8C and TVT-S8C models run at one speed. This is 19.98 FPS (frames per
second) for NTSC video models, and 16-2/3 FPS for PAL video models. This design feature
gives smooth screen motion and the greatest degree of exposure correction for dark film. The
TVT gives frame by frame scanning in real time, with each film frame going to three video
fields. This gives smoother screen motion than duplicating entire video frames via computer.
Other Information
Routine service:
After long use, the Claw Pivot and cams may need greasing. Instructions for this will be furnished on request.
Service adjustments and information:
After long use, the white balance of the LED and camera module could change. To reset the white balance,
with no film in the gate, set the Exposure knob so the video level is 10-20% below the clipping point. Push the
“White Balance” pushbutton on the back of the camera. It will cycle between several color setting
combinations and finally settle down with a neutral white balance. Note that some cameras require that a
slightly colored filter be placed in the light path when setting the white balance, to get a neutral white when
actually doing a transfer. If so your camera requires this filter: _______________________.
In case of replacing the timing belt, it will be necessary to reset the “Shutter Phase.” When the claw is in about
the start of a pulldown cycle, the top edge of the interrupter disc slot should be about at the center of the opto-
interrupter. The disc position can be changed when the TVT is stopped, by loosening the screw on the end of
the motor shaft. If there is residual travel ghost, move the disc relative to the shaft as follows: For a ghost
extending above a light object, turn the disc counter-clockwise a little. For a ghost extending below a bright