4. RS-232C Serial Communications
The THIR-3000DM, is equipped with serial data communications that can be used as
Bar Code Data Transmission:
The unit transmits the scanned data to the host computer.
Command Signal Receipt:
The host computer transmits the command signals to the unit and sets up the operation of
the unit.
Image Data Transmission:
The unit transmits the captured image data to the host computer.
Refer the items 2 & 3, for the communication transaction conditions.
4.1 Data Transaction
Data transaction setup should be accomplished with sending command from host computer.
The communication protocol of barcode data transmission and serial command signal
receiving is an asynchronous protocol.
4.2 Image Data Transaction
The communication protocol utilizes XMODEM (SUM128) or XMODEM (CRC16) in the
case of the image data output.
The host side computer should be provided with the software to receive the transmitted
data. The receiving unit should also be kept “ready” before receiving the data.