if (error)
::AfxMessageBox(TEXT("Failed to center around a point in Amsterdam"));
See Also:
NavigateToCoordinate, ShowRectangleOnMap
6.2.15. INT ShowRectangleOnMap( long aLongitudeW, long aLatitudeS,
long aLongitudeE, long aLatitudeN)
Command Parameters:
long aLongitudeW:
western longitude specified in WGS84 format (in millionths of degrees)
long aLatitudeS:
southern latitude specified in WGS84 format (in millionths of degrees)
long aLongitudeE:
eastern longitude specified in WGS84 format (in millionths of degrees)
long aLatitudeN:
northern latitude specified in WGS84 format (in millionths of degrees)
0 if successful, non−zero value otherwise.
Supported since:
TTN 3.0
Show the given rectangle of the map.
See Also:
6.2.16. INT SendDirectCommand( EDirectCommands aCommand)
Command Parameters:
EDirectCommands aCommand:
command to execute
0 if successful, non−zero value otherwise.
Supported Since:
TTN 1.42
Various commands to change a setting or instruct TomTom Navigator to perform a certain task.
The following example invocation call demonstrates how to switch the map display to night colors:
INT error = CTomTomNavigatorCom::SendDirectCommand(KCommandNightColors);
if (error)
::AfxMessageBox(TEXT("Failed to change to night view mode"));
6.2.17. INT GetCurrentPositionV01( EGpsStatus & aStatus,
TTTnLocationV01 & aLocation)
Command Parameters:
EGpsStatus & aStatus:
at return, if no error occurred, contains an indication of the quality of the
data received.
TTTnLocationV01 & aLocation:
struct that will be filled with the location information
0 if successful, non−zero value otherwise.
Supported Since:
TTN 1.42
Fills the struct passed in with current position information from GPS.
It shows how the GetCurrentPosition call can be used to warn when the driver is driving too fast.
6. Communicating with TomTom Navigator from C++