stereo powerglide
two-speed, stereo in/out analog tremolo
• The stereo powerglide is a two channel, two speed design. It is NOT two separate tremolo
pedals in one box.
• The stereo powerglide may be operated three ways:
1. Mono In / Mono Out
2. Mono In / Stereo Out
3. Stereo In / Stereo Out
• The stereo powerglide features two separate foot-switchable signal channels (A and B). Both
channels may be switched “on” or bypassed at the same time (the foot-switches are positioned
to accommodate this). Or, they may be switched “on” or bypassed independently.
• Hardwired, True-Bypass switching is featured for both channels A and B. Each channel
features a separate “on” indicator LED (Red).
• The stereo powerglide features two independent foot-switchable speeds featuring glitchless
switching between Speed 1 and Speed 2.
• Individual Speed 1 and Speed 2 indicator LEDs (Yellow and Green) flash in time to the speed
selected, even when the pedal is in the bypass mode. LEDs flash “on” in time with the volume
swell to allow easy
playing in time
to slow-speed tremolo settings.
• The main input, Channel A, features individual Depth knobs for each Speed. Depth knob 1A
is for Speed 1. Depth knob 2A is for Speed 2. For example, you may desire a slow, but very
Speed 1 setting. To achieve this, set Speed 1 (yellow LED) to taste, and set Depth knob
1A to 5:00 (max depth). You may also desire a fast, but
warble for Speed 2, To achieve
this, set Speed 2 (green LED) to taste, and set Depth knob 2A to 12:00. The individual Depth
knobs provide the ability to have great contrast in depth between the two speed settings, or
both Depth knobs may be set the same for two different speeds with the same depth.
• The second input, Channel B, features a single Depth knob B for both Speed 1 and Speed 2.
This simplifies stereo operation and set-up, while still offering great contrast to Channel A’s dual
Depth knobs. Note: For stereo-panning, initially set all Depth knobs for max depth (5:00), then
adjust to taste.
• Depth knobs (1A, 2A and B) offer the complete range from dry-only (full counter-clockwise 7:00)
to volume swell followed by complete silence, at max depth (full clockwise 5:00),
• Individual channel Volume knobs (Vol A and Vol B) allow matching the bypassed volume at
any tremolo depth setting, or can provide significant volume swell over unity gain. Note: The
stereo powerglide cannot be used as a simple volume boost with the
Depth knob(s) at minimum