1. Notching undercut
Make the notch 1/3 the diameter of the tree, perpendicular to the direction of falls If the log or limb is supported at
both ends, always make the compression cut from the upper side (
Fig. 16). Make the lower horizontal notching
cut first. This will help to avoid pinching either the saw chain or the guide bar when the second notch is being made.
2. Felling back cut
Make the felling back cut at least 5 cm higher than the horizontal notching cut If the log or limb is supported at both
ends, always make the compression cut from the upper side (
Fig. 16). Keep the felling back cut parallel to the
horizontal notching cut. Make the felling back cut so enough wood is left to act as a hinge. The hinge wood keeps the
tree from twisting and falling in the wrong direction. Do not cut through the hinge.
As the felling gets close to the hinge, the tree should begin to fall. If there is any chance that the tree may not fall in the
desired direction or it may rock back and bind the saw chain, stop cutting before the felling back cut is complete and
use wedges of wood, plastic or aluminium to open the cut and drop the tree along the desired line of fall.
When the tree begins to fall remove the chain saw from the cut, stop the motor, put the chain saw down, then use the
retreat path planned. Be alert for overhead limbs falling and watch your footing.
Felling direction
Felling back cut
Notching undercut
5 cm
5 cm
Fig. 16