P17: HR3- interval fat burn:
After enter into HR3,set values of age , THR (TARGET HEART RATE) and Time well.
Press START: the treadmill will run at 1 kph for 1 minute as warm-up. After this timeframe
the computer will adjust inclination with 1% and speed with 1 km every 30 seconds till THR
(+/- 5 BPM) is reached. In case the THR is exceeded, the computer will automatically
reduce inclination and speed till THR is reached again.
As shown in FI
G 4, the treadmill‟handle sensors are interegrated with the function of
The HANDLE PULSE SENSORS can be used as an exercise aid to determine general
heart rate trends. And it can not be taken as a medical data.
To display your pulse, firmly grip the handle, placing your hands over the HANDLE PULSE
SENSORS. Your pulse will be displayed on the PULSE display within seconds.
The BODY FAT SENSORS can be used as an exercise aid to determine general BODY
FAT rate trends. And it can not be taken as a medical data.
To display your BODY FAT rate, please do as followings:
1) When the treadmill stops, press PROGRAM KEY to enter into body fat analyzer
2) In the CALORIE window, it shows the data for gender, age, stature, weight and body fat.
And in the PULSE window, it shows the code for gender, age, stature, weight and body fat
3) In the PULSE window, 01 stands for gender. User can press “Speed“+”“-”key” to choose
male or female. And in the CALORIE window, 01 stands for male, 02 stands for female.
4) In order to enter to 02 which stands for age in the PULSE wi
ndow, press “Mode key” to
shift. And in the CALORIE window, it shows 25. At this time, user can press
“Speed“+”“-”key” to choose the data from 10
5) In order to enter to 03 which stands for stature in the PULSE window, press “Mode key”
to shift. And in the CALORIE window, it shows 170cm. At this time, User can press
“Speed“+”“-”key” to choose the data from 100
6) In order to enter to 04 which stands for weight in the PULSE window, press “Mode key”.
And in the CALORIE window, it shows 70kg. At t
his time, User can press “Speed“+”“-”key”
to choose the data from 20
7) In order to enter to 05 which stands for body fat in the PULSE window, press “Mode key”.
Put User‟s two hands on the handgrip sensor for 8 seconds, and the data will show in the
CALORIE window.