Locate and assemble the rudder, use the
registration pins to laminate the three sections
together. NOTE: The water rudder is the clear
plastic part located in the parts bag. This water
rudder should be attached to the rudder with a
#2-56 bolt and Ny-Lock nut. It should be left
loose enough to kick up in the event of contact
with weeds or other objects. Also the rudder
should be water proofed with a coat of thinned
Epoxy resin before final assembly.
The rudder is laminated from three sections, the ply center
section has cutouts for the hinges and the kick-up water
rudder is mounted to the bottom.
Now is a good time to assemble the Hinge Slotting jig. Use it to
cut the slots for the CA hinges in the trailing edge of the stabilizer
and the slots for the pinned hinges in the vertical fin. Place the
jig against the edge to be slotted, keep the knife parallel to the
part and make several shallow passes until the desired depth is
reached. The hinge locations are marked on the elevator, transfer
these markings to the stabilizer and cut the slots. Place the pinned
hinges into the rudder and then use this to locate the slot locations
on the vertical fin.
Wing Assembly
The wing plans may be used in one piece or
cut in half if desired. Place them on the work
bench and cover them with waxed paper.
Locate and prepare the false leading edge
(FLE). Use a straight edge to align it with the
plans. Note that the alignment line at the root
end of the plans should align with the align
ment line on the first standoff. Tack glue a
pinning to every other stand off and secure to
the bench with pins.
The wing leading edge is secured to the bench by tack gluing
pinning tabs to every other standoff and securing with pins.
A straight edge is used to insure it is straight and it is aligned
with alignment lines on the plan and the first standoff.