Data related to measurement, such as an occupied point name, a backsight point name, target data, and
3D data, are stored in the station.
• When setting (moving) the instrument, create a new station.
Station data are stored in the SD card.
Backsight point 1
Occupied point 1
STA0001 (Station data folder)
SCN0001(Scan data folder)
TAR0001 (Target data folder)
Station information file (sta file format)
Point cloud file of back sight (clt file format)
3D coordinate of back sight (trg file format)
Camera orientation/calibration data (binEXT file format)
SCN0002 (Scan data folder)
Point cloud file (clr file format)
JPEG file e.g) 0000.jpg,0001.jpg
Angle file e.g) 0000.ang,0001.ang
Tilt orientation file e.g) 0000.tor,0001.tor
BMP file e.g) 0000.ang,0001.ang
Kinematics parameter file e.g) 0000.kin,0001.kin