GTalarm3 User manual V-2022-05-24
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Automatic periodical test settings
007= command code (Automatic periodical test)
P= 0-test disabled, 1- test period by 24 hours, 2- period by minutes
PER= automatic test sending period from 1 to 99999 days or minutes
HH-hours 0-23 ,
mm- minutes 0-59
e.g. INST000000 007 2#1#14:50#
The test will be send every 1 minute
GPRS network settings
008= command code (GPRS network settings)
APN=31 symbols
LOGIN=31 symbols
PSW=31 symbols
INST000000 009 ADDR#PORT#
SERA cloud Service Parameters
009= command code (Remote control of the module over the Internet)
ADDR = the format of IP address (the numbers from 0 to 255 should be separated
by dot or domain text length of up to 47 characters)
PORT= TCP port number from 1 to 65535
Default parameters is in the picture bellow. We recommend do not change these parameters.
To activate the connection to the remote control server
010= command code (To activate the connection to the remote control server)
E= 1-enabled, 0-disabled
To change the operation algorithm of the output
019= command code (To change the operation algorithm of the output)
N = output number from 1 to 10
P = output operation algorithm. 0
– output disabled, 1 – Bell, 2- buzzer, 3- flash led, 4- system state
LED, 5-
LED „system ready“, 6- Automation & access control, 7- AC OK, 8 – Battery OK, 9-
ARM/DISARM 10-alarm indication, 11- Lost Primary chanel 12- Lost secondary chanel 13- Fire
sensor14-RH Sensor trouble , 15- Access Gained
Invert output state
020= command code (outputs inversion)
N = output number from 1 to 10.
Output activation or deactivation
021= command code (Output activation or deactivation)
N = output number 1-10
ST = output mode 0
– OFF, 1- ON
Output activation for the time interval
022= command code (Output activation for the time interval)
N = output number 1-10
TIME = 0-999999 Time interval in seconds for the output activation.
Change security system‘s mode (ARM/DISARM/STAY/SLEEP)
030= command code (Change security system‘s mode)
Zone bypassing by sms command
031= command code (Zone bypassing)
ZN = zone number from 1 to 32
BYP= 1
– zone bypass 0- zone active.
iButton keys learning/deleting mode
063= command code (iButton keys learning/deleting mode)
S=iButton keys entering/deletion mode.
0-Disable iButton/RFID keys learning mode
1-Enable iButton/RFID keys learning mode
2- iButton/RFID keys deleting mode. To delete these keys from memory, which will be touched to
the reader
˽070˽N#VALUE #
Programming of
max sensors value upon reaching, the SMS message with „High Alarm“
text will be sent
070= command code (max sensors value upon reaching which, the SMS message with „High
Alarm“ text will be sent)
N = sensor number
VALUE= Format 0000.00 High Alarm Value
˽071˽N#VALUE #
Programming of minimal sensors value upon reaching the SMS message with „Low Alarm“
text will be sent
071= command code (min sensors value upon reaching which, the SMS message with „Low Alarm“
text will be sent)