1. Sunset ON and Sunrise OFF 7 days a week: After setting
CLK (clock), DATE, and DST (daylight saving time), go to
the ASTRO mode section 7.0 to enter latitude and enter
sunset and sunrise days.
2. Sunset ON and 10:00pm OFF 7 days a week: After set-
ting CLK (clock), DATE, and DST (daylight saving time), go
to SCH (schedule) mode section 6.0 to enter the 10:00pm
OFF time. Then go to the ASTRO mode section 7.0 to enter
latitude and enter sunset days.
3. Time ON and Time OFF: After setting CLK (clock), DATE,
and DST (daylight saving time), go to SCH mode section
6.0 for two entries. One for ON and the other for OFF at
the times you choose.
Planning Your Holiday Schedule
Select up to 20 holiday blocks that have a start date and
an end date. Holiday blocks can be anywhere from 1
day in length (the same start and end dates) or up to 364
consecutive days. Holiday blocks must not cross over
December 31st. If a holiday block must run from December
18th through January 5th, two blocks must be entered. One
block from 12/18 to 12/31, and then another from 01/01
to 01/05.
On these dates, the timer will execute the same special
schedule. Enter the holiday schedule in section 5. If no
schedule is entered with a holiday day group in section 5,
On/Off operations will be omitted for the holiday dates.
Astronomic schedule is not affected by holiday dates. The
timer will always execute the sunset/sunrise schedule if
chosen in section 7.