Complete the following steps in the order listed:
Install the BT30 Spindle and Align the Encoder
Remove the R8 Spindle
For more information while removing original components of the machine, it may help to
refer to the "Spindle Head Exploded View" (page 35).
Prepare the Machine
1. Remove any tooling, fixtures, workpieces, or parts from the machine.
2. Jog the spindle nose until it's approximately 6 in. (15.2 cm) above the machine table.
3. Power off the machine and the PathPilot controller.
a. Push in the machine's red Emergency Stop button, which removes power to motion control.
b. From the PathPilot interface, select
c. Turn the Main Disconnect switch to
on the side of the electrical cabinet.
4. Disconnect any pneumatic air lines on the machine, and verify that the lines are empty.
5. Open the spindle cover and lock it in the up position.
Page 7
©Tormach® 2021
Specifications subject to change without notice.
TD10705: Installation Guide: BT30 Spindle Upgrade Kit for 1100M+ (0521A)