Install the BT30 Encoder
1. Remove the spindle motor's pivot plate clamping handle.
2. Remove the M10 socket head cap screw from the pivot bushing.
Figure 15: Components to removing the spindle motor and its pivot plate assembly from the spindle head.
3. Remove the spindle motor and its pivot plate assembly from the spindle head.
Set the assembly aside.
4. Slowly jog the Z-axis down (-Z) until the spindle motor housing is in a convenient location to work in.
5. Power off the machine and the PathPilot controller.
a. Push in the machine's red Emergency Stop button, which removes power to motion control.
b. From the PathPilot interface, select
c. Turn the Main Disconnect switch to
on the side of the electrical cabinet.
6. Clean the inside of the spindle motor housing with Simple Green (or similar mild degreaser).
7. Find the encoder read head and its two button head cap screws provided in this kit.
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©Tormach® 2021
Specifications subject to change without notice.
TD10705: Installation Guide: BT30 Spindle Upgrade Kit for 1100M+ (0521A)