Engine Maintenance
Engine Oil
The crankcase must be filled with approximately 20
fluid ounces of proper viscosity oil before staring. The
engine uses any high-quality oil having the American
Petroleum Institute - APl - “service classification" SF,
SG, SH or SJ. Oil viscosity - weight - must be selected
according to ambient temperature. Figure 24 illustrates
the temperature/viscosity recommendations.
Figure 24
Using multi-grade oils (5W-20, 10W-30, and
10W-40) will increase oil consumption. Check the oil
level more frequently when using them.
Checking the Engine Oil Level
Service Interval:
Before each use or daily
The best time to check the engine oil is when the
engine is cool before it has been started for the day. If it
has already been run, allow the oil to drain back down
to the sump for at least 10 minutes before checking. If
the oil level is at or below the “L” mark on the dipstick,
add oil to bring the oil level to the “H” mark. DO NOT
OVERFILL. If the oil level is between the “H” and “L”
marks, no oil addition is required.
1. Remove the transport wheels (if installed), position
the mower so the engine is level and clean around oil
level gauge (Figure 25).
Figure 25
Oil level gauge
Drain plug
2. Remove oil level gauge by rotating it
3. Wipe oil level gauge clean and insert it into filler
port. Do not screw into port. Then remove and
check level of oil. If level is low, add only enough
oil to raise level until it is between the “H” and “L”
marks on the gauge (Figure 26). Recheck level of
oil. Do not overfill.
Figure 26
4. Reinstall oil level gauge and wipe up any spilled oil.
Changing the Engine Oil
Service Interval:
After the first 8 hours
Every 50 hours
1. Start and run engine for a few minutes to warm the
engine oil.
2. Place a drain pan at rear of machine under drain plug
(Figure 25). Remove drain plug.