background image


This section assumes that your new Aussie Locker has been installed and that the complete differential

assembly is now in the vehicle with the tires installed.

1. Put the transmission in gear and the transfer case in 4WD to lock the drive shaft. Tires must be installed

to complete this test.

2. Rotate one of the tires until it stops against the locked drive shaft. Hold it in position and maintain

moderate pressure

3. Rotate the other tire in the opposite direction. It should unlock and spin, with the locker clicking as the

tire rotates  Note that this sound will be less with the cover on and gear oil inside.

4. Rotate the first tire in the opposite direction until it stops, and again maintain pressure

5. Rotate the second tire in the opposite direction from the first time. It should again unlock and spin with

the cl cking sound.

6. Switch tires. Rotate and hold the second tire, and spin the first one in the opposite direction. Again switch

directions. Both tires should rotate in both directions and the locker should click as they are doing so.

7. If your installation passes this “spin” test, you are ready to finish up.


1. Install the cover, using RTV and/or a gasket as required.

2. Add gear oil to the proper level.

3. Check to be sure that the backing plates and retainers (if applicable) and brake lines have been installed

and tightened correctly. If you have pinched off the break lines, be sure to release them.

4. Leave the vehicle in gear, and apply the emergency brake. Remove the jack stands and front wheel blocks.


1. After your installation is complete and tested as described above, it’s time to take your vehicle for a spin.

Consult the Operator’s Guide for detailed information on how to operate your vehicle on  and off-road.

2. During your initial testing, take it easy for the first few miles. Remember that your new locker-equipped

vehicle will now climb walls but that it also has some different handling characteristics. Take turns slowly

at first. Remember that if you power around a turn that the inside (powered) wheel will spin up more easily

than before because weight  s transferring off it as the vehicle leans outward.

3. Dr ve it around town for a while, and then take it off road on a level surface to get a feel for how it

behaves in dirt  Be careful, and have fun!

4. There is a break-in period for your locker of about 600 miles  In a very few  nstances you may notice some

noise other than clicking while turning during this time. If you have installed your locker per these

instructions, there is no need to be concerned about these additional sounds.







































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































assembly is now   the  eh cle  th t e t re  install

















to complete this test

Rotate one o  the tires 











moder te pre


Rotate the other  ir    












tire rotate  Not  that  h s  ound wi  be less  it  the cover on a d gear oi  ins e

Rota e the f rst tire  n  he  pposite d ec ion until  t stops  and  gain mainta n pres

5. Rotate the sec

d t re i   he opposite direct o  fr m the  st t me.   sh uld again un o  



the click ng so


Sw ch tires. Rota  















direct ons. B th  ire  sh

ld  tate in both directions and the locker sh

ld click as  hey are  oing so

If  o r in a lation pa es th  “spi ”  e t   ou are  eady  o fi ish u .










2. Add gear oil to t e proper l vel.

3. Check  o be s re t at the back











a d ti htened correct y  I  yo  ha e p nched off the brea   ines  be sure  o  elease t em

ea e the veh c e in ge ,  nd apply the emergency brake  Rem ve the jac  stands and f



















Consul  the Operator’  Guide for detai ed info mation on h w to o er te  o r  ehicle on- a d o f-r ad

Du ng  our initi l te t ng, take i  easy fo  the 

t  e  m les. Remember that  our new lo ker e u ppe

vehic e will n w cl mb wa  but that it also has some  iffere t handl ng  har cteri t cs  Take turns slow

at f rst. Remember th t if you  ower  ound a  ur  tha  the in de (p wered  whee  wil  spin  p mo e eas

han b fore becau e w i ht i  trans errin  o f it as the  eh cle leans outwar .

Drive it aro nd  own for a  hi e  an  then  ake   off road on a level s r ace t  





behave   n dirt  Be careful  and  a e f n

There is a break-in period  or your lo ker   










oise  t er than cl cking whil   ur ng d ri g this  ime  If you h ve ins al ed  our locker pe  these

ins ruct n  the e is no need  o be concerned about t e e add tional sound





















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Summary of Contents for Aussie Locker series

Page 1: ...ocker equipped vehicle We suggest that you read these instructions before beginning your installation to familiarize yourself with the steps performed for your particular axle type and to determine wh...

Page 2: ...bearing pre load and the ring and pinion backlash which generally must be done by a shop having the right knowledge and tools As with most factory differentials the Aussie Locker is designed to be in...

Page 3: ...e two types of axles have several differential designs including 1 C Clip axle shaft retention Ford 8 8 Spicer 35 Land Cruiser with thrust block etc 2 Bearing retainer axle shaft retention Jeep AMC 20...

Page 4: sliding the axle shafts in and out easier 1 Remove the pinon shaft 2 Remove the thrust block if present 3 Push the axle shafts inward and remove the C clips 4 Pull each axle shaft out by about thre...

Page 5: ...rta t t put h se hims ba k in h s m l at n nd rd u n r ssembly 5 Ma k the diff r nti l b ring ut r r s s th s is ming ut s th t th n b r inst ll d n th id s 6 M rk t ng ge t s l ati R m th in g r fr m...

Page 6: ...e Aussie Locker axle gears to the back surface and around the hub in the center Using this grease will help with holding the parts in place later on 2 Place a thrust washer on each axle ge r 3 Install...

Page 7: ...stall the C clip on the end of the axle shaft with the points facing downward 3 Pull snap the axle shaft outward to seat the C clip onto the hub of the axle gear 4 Carefully insert one of the cam gear...

Page 8: ...ching the t cam gear with a g etwee the gh han teet Remov the too ver t ng shou d just s there he d n p asse b y may n e to be he d in p ace during the o owing steps W h the e t ax e s owly otate the...

Page 9: ...into the bottom of the slot and the other end should snap over the step on the end of the pin 8 Repeat step 7 for the remaining three pins and springs The assembly of the locker itself is now complete...

Page 10: ...o k m INST LL THE DIFFERENTI L C SE REMO BLE C RRIER THIRD MEMBER j h r r n m s b n r m r T r M m f n f h n n r sh m n f r h r r s h f n n h Th ff n r n th r h s n r n r ss h m r j te s n h h s th e s...

Page 11: turns slowly at first Remember that if you power around a turn that the inside powered wheel will spin up more easily than before because weight s transferring off it as the vehicle leans outward 3...

Page 12: ...some Toyota differentials it may be necessary to file down casting flashing and case irregularities prior to fitting parts 3 Some Ford Dana 44 front installations may require minor grinding in the ca...
